Coming Back to Your Essence

To come back to your essence is to return to the true nature of your being, or your inherent qualities and characteristics.

Based on our experience and many other people that we talked with over the years - all of which gave us an extra impulse to create this platform - being disconnected from one’s true nature has a number of negative consequences for an individual such as: 

  1. Being stuck in the head and thought patterns: When we are disconnected from our true essence, we may find ourselves caught up in negative thought patterns that keep us trapped in our own heads. These patterns can include self-doubt, fear, and anxiety, and can prevent us from living in the present moment and enjoying life to the fullest. They can distort our perceptions of reality and create unnecessary suffering. By being stuck in these thought patterns, we may feel disconnected from our own inner wisdom and guidance.

  1. Being disconnected from the body: When we are disconnected from our true essence, we may also find ourselves disconnected from our physical bodies. This can lead to a lack of awareness and attunement to our bodily sensations and needs, and can result in physical health problems or a lack of enjoyment in physical activities. By being disconnected from the body, we also often miss out on the pleasure and sense of connection that physical activities and touch (in fact, all the senses!) can bring.

  1. Finding it difficult to connect with others: Being disconnected from our true essence can also make it difficult for us to connect with others on a deeper level. We may struggle to form genuine and meaningful relationships and may find it hard to connect with others emotionally and spiritually. When we are disconnected from our true essence, we may feel disconnected from our own sense of compassion and empathy, which are essential for building deep and meaningful connections with others.

  1. Being disconnected from our sexuality: Our true essence is also closely connected to our sexuality. When we are disconnected from our true essence, we may struggle to fully embrace and express our sexual desires and needs. It may also result in a lack of understanding and awareness of our own sexual desires and boundaries, which can lead to unhealthy or unsatisfying sexual relationships.  Also, sexuality is not just about physical pleasure, but is also a powerful source of life force and energy. When we are fully alive and connected to our sexuality, we may feel more vibrant, passionate, and alive. Our sexuality is a key part of who we are as human beings, and being disconnected from it can leave us feeling disconnected from our own vitality and aliveness.

So what if our true essence, or essential nature, was the key to finding true happiness and fulfillment? 

Many spiritual and philosophical traditions (and we, at Trinity Tantra) believe that by returning to our essential nature, we can transcend the limitations and suffering of the ego and experience a deeper sense of connection and fulfillment in all aspects of our life.

Coming back to your essence nature ultimately refers to returning to a state of being that is authentic, genuine, and true to who you are as a person. A state when you feel most alive, aware, and at peace with whatever comes your way.

So what we, at Trinity Tantra, have discovered over the years of researching, experimenting, learning, practicing, and talking with multiple teachers is that returning to one’s essence nature involves (but is not limited to) the integration and balance of three aspects of the self / three essence points which are based on Classical Tantra (see. Three Bindus)

White: Point of Awareness, Head

Gold: Point of Interconnectedness, Expansion, Heart

Red: Point of Life Force, Sexuality, Lower Belly

but we expand on the classical approach by adding embodiment practices and other modalities and techniques that cultivate a deeper connection and awareness of each of these dimensions of the self, as well as their interconnection.

We will be offering multiple workshops,  courses, webinars, circles, and retreats, that will hopefully help YOU on this journey. We are very excited to have you here. Our main goal is to offer you, through this portal, a safe container where you will be fully supported on this exciting, and sometimes challenging (but SO rewarding!) journey.

Yours truly,

Trinity Team


Beginners Guide to Trinity Practices